Bonanza Wiki
Frederick Kyle
Biographical information
Full Name: Frederick Kyle
Gender: Male
Race/Ethnicity: American
Hair color: Gray
Eye color: Brown
Spouse Lily Van Cleet Kyle
Romances/Domestic Partners:
Appeared on:
First Episode: A House Divided
Last Episode: A House Divided
Portrayed by: Cameron Mitchell

Personal Information[]

Frederick Kyle arrives in Virginia City purposely seeking out Little Joe Cartwright. Rather than introduce himself formally he saves Little Joe from some card sharks and for this Joe is immediately grateful towards him.

Frederick only has the use of his right arm, but this doesn't impede him in his speed and dexterity when it comes to fighting. He can take on someone just as able as himself and still come out on top. His methods are quite violent and ruthless but he never shows this publicly. He does most of his dealings behind closed doors so people have a different view to him than the ones at the end of his violence.

Kyle has come from the South to buy precious metals and take them back to the South. He uses Little Joes knowledge of the people in the City to help him gain a foothold into buying gold and silver. Kyle drives a wedge between Joe and Adam to the point where Joe leaves home and Adam leaves the Ponderosa.

To further his influence on Little Joe, Kyle tells Joe he knew his mother and gives him a portrait of her.

To further his schemes he tells his hired hands to take care of the stage where one of the mine owners knows the true purpose for him to purchase the silver. The mine owner threatens Kyle by telling him he's going to Washington to tell them what Kyle is up to. Unfortunately for Kyle his wife took the same stage and dies as a result.

It turns out that Kyle's thirst for purchasing precious metals is so it can help him win the war between North and South.




Gallery of Frederick Kyle